Lady Gaga is Back With “Stupid Love”

From “I want your bad romance” to “I want your stupid love,” Lady Gaga is back with a new single bringing in styles and influence from her old, classic eras like “Born This Way” and “Artpop.”

The electro-pop track, “Stupid Love,” by the “Shallow” singer carries the nostalgic 80s musical style with a fun beat that many nightclub goers can enjoy. I don’t think it’s anything super moving or innovative but the song has elements from Gaga’s previous pop eras like “The Fame Monster” which makes her sound fresh and unique like her old music during the beginning of her career.

“Stupid Love” by Lady Gaga Single Cover Art

Upbeat and edgy, the electronic track gives the simple lyrics about finding love a good vibe. Along with it, is an ongoing, high-pitched noise that is stacked during the chorus. The synth and bass makes you want to jump and groove. When I initially heard it, I knew that if I listened to this track too much, it could get a little overwhelming. I did, however, liked the instrumental because it puts me in a euphoric setting and made me want to dance. Overall, this glittery song is a fun comeback that her main audience would enjoy and for Gaga’s fans, the Little Monsters, to appreciate.

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  1. I’m a huge Lady Gaga fan and I feel like after Joanne and A Star is Born, going back to this pop style seems like a step back to me. I’m sure I’ll add this song to my library, but it is not my favorite.

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  2. Hi! I love how she’s back in the music industry. I was never a true Gaga fan but I really appreciated her talent and performances. I loved her hiatus from music because it allowed her to act in American Horry Story and in A Star Is Born. A Star Is Born is one of my favorite movies and I love the soundtracks!

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